Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Hi there.
I've been a "victim" of the volcano+airplanes delay of the last days.
After 2 days of troubles, I'm finally at home...even if I already miss the friends I left in Lisbon.
I love you guys.

The Spidey you see here is a piece I made in Canada, where I had such a great experience.
 (I can't stop thanking Kandrix for the great experience he gave to me. Thank you thank you thank you!)

If you want you can call it a "commission" I made to a dear and lovely friend, Francesco MATT Mattina.
The price I asked was very high: he had to draw me HIS version of Spiderman (that I'm gonna post pretty soon).

Oh yes, I love Spidey.


  1. Hi Stefano,

    I'm glad to hear that you finally arrived home.
    I've aknowleged by David's twitter that your plane was canceled and you have to stay in Lisbon some more time. Hope you had a good time here and could have gone to see the river again :-), as far as I know you where in good hands.
    It was a great pleasure to meet you.
    Sorry for the above off-topic.

    The Spider-man in the post is fantastic, but after see you drawing it's not a surprise.

    Best regards,


  2. wow spettacolare questo spiderman! quindi se io te ne disegno uno tu ricambi? ahah scherzo xD se va tutto bene magari tra una decina anni xD complimenti come sempre buon lavoro!

  3. Semplicemente fantastico. Una freschezza di tratto e una scioltezza da vero fuoriclasse.

  4. S·P·E·T·T·A·C·O·L·O!

    ...e non aggiungo altro!

  5. bravissimo, il tuo autografo lo devo avere, sei troppo bravo ^^ ciao!!!

  6. con questo ti sei veramente superato, e' fantastico

  7. Great work Stefano! You guyskick ass and was a great time hanging out with you two. Take care bro!


  8. uno spider man (anche se io preferisco chiamarlo ancora uomo ragno) veramente da sogno!

  9. Complimenti Stefano, ti superi sempre!!!
    ME RA VI GLIA!!!
